‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات قهوه. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات قهوه. إظهار كافة الرسائل

السبت، 5 أكتوبر 2019

ما لا تعرفه عن القهوة ! What you do not know about coffee

ما لا تعرفه عن القهوة ! What you do not know about coffee

ما لا تعرفه عن القهوة ! What you do not know about coffee
ما لا تعرفه عن القهوة ! What you do not know about coffee

Today I am going to tell you about awesome drink.

the drink is coffee with lemon.

but not the common coffee, that coffee addicted people used to drink in cups,

boiled coffee is not healthy, I will tell about the healthy coffee that you should drink.

listen to this surprising fact by Dr.Gouda

the normal boiled coffee breaks the blood cells and destroy the brain cells.

The drink that I am producing to you today is a treatment.

It is the fastest treatment to the cold(flu),

also for colon problems, and diarrhea

as its the best treatment for the people who lose concentrate easily

specially for students who has exams and the can not concentrate well.

For the best results, you can add extra ingredients to the coffee such as

Hail, cardamon, nutmeg, mastic cinnamon, ginger, cumin, and crocus

you put 1/2 teaspoon of this healthy coffee then you add boiled water + 1/2 lemon

you can add sugar or honey as you desire

this is the first time I tell you that

I would never tell you something unless I had tried it myself first

the fastest treatment to the cold(flu)

the fastest treatment to colon problems

the fastest treatment for losing concentration and diarrhea.

Did you hear that?!